
EnglishMathsScienceHistoryGeographyArt and DesignComputingCPSHEDesign & TechnologyFrenchPEREMusic

Our aim is to ensure that all pupils have a love of the English Language and its literary heritage. We make sure that at every opportunity, we enable our pupils to become articulate speakers, successful readers and writers to prepare them for the very best future. We have worked hard to develop our curriculum and methods for teaching this important subject so that it is relevant, engaging and challenging to all. 

English in Key Stage 1

From the Early Years and into the start of Year 2, children take part in a phonics programme called RWI (Read Write Inc). Maryland pioneered the use of this phonic scheme in the borough and we are an international model school for RWI and always welcome visitors. In KS1 we also have additional English lessons which are based around core books. This ensures children are exposed to a wide range of quality texts such as stories, poems and non fiction that is at a level beyond that at which they can read independently.

The RWI programme takes a systematic approach to phonics which relies on repetitive teaching to allow children to learn, embed and apply reading and writing skills. The teaching of synthetic phonics continues throughout Years 1 and 2 and progress is built on from year to year. Children are assessed regularly, and grouped according to their sound knowledge and word reading. 

Children learn to read quickly so that they can begin to focus on understanding the text and begin to infer meaning. It also teaches children to spell effortlessly so that they can concentrate on composing what they write. We have high expectations for all pupils in our school, 1:1 tutoring takes place for those children who are in need of extra support.

Reading – Using RWI teaches children:

  • The 44 sounds and corresponding letter(s) using simple picture prompts.
  • To read green words (decodable words) using Fred Talk (breaking down words into sounds).
  • To read common exception words (red words).
  • To read stories featuring words that they have learnt to sound out.
  • To comprehend the stories by answering ‘find it’ (retrieval) and ‘prove it’ (inference) questions.

Writing – Using RWI teaches children:

  • To learn to write the letters representing the 44 sounds through pictorial support.
  • To learn to write words by saying the sounds in Fred Talk.
  • To compose a sentence orally before writing it
  • To write simple sentences.
  • To re-read what they have written and check it makes sense.


We begin the process of learning to read in the Foundation Stage, where we believe that the daily, systematic teaching of phonics is the fastest and most effective way of getting young children to start reading. In Nursery, children are first exposed to letter sounds through games and ‘fred talk’ (words are broken down into sounds, such as z..i..p) throughout the day. This progresses to mini phonic sessions in which the children are introduced to the letter and the picture that corresponds to it. 


Children learn set 1 sounds and use this phonic knowledge to blend words to read both real and nonsense words. They move on to read simple sentences in books and answer questions and make predictions. They practise letter formation daily and begin to write simple words and sentences based around the text they are reading.


In year 1 children continue to practise their sounds, progressing to set 2 and set 3. Children use their phonic skills to read with increasing fluency, accuracy and speed. The focus of the writing is using phonics and common exception words to write simple sentences and sequence these to form a narrative. Children write for a range of purposes and activities are creative and fun. In year 2, it is our expectation that the vast majority of children will become fluent readers and will no longer need explicit phonics teaching for reading.

Please watch the videos to see how reading progression from nursery to year 2:


English in Key Stage 2

At Maryland, we believe that exposure to children’s literature is vital as a rich context for learning; not only within English as a subject but to support building a reading culture throughout the school. It is important too that our pupils experience famous wordsmiths. Some of our lessons are based around a range of authors and poets including William Shakespeare, Roald Dahl, Maya Angelou, Malorie Blackman, Faith Ringgold, Mordicai Gerstein, C. S. Lewis, Benjamin Zephaniah, Polly Ho-Yen and Phillip Pullman. We use high quality books that offer opportunities for empathy and aid philosophical enquiry and critical thinking.  

We build our schemes of work upon units from the Literacy Curriculum. Books are placed at the core of our English teaching which provides teachers with a content to ensure that objectives for reading, writing, including grammar have a purpose. Our writing opportunities are always meaningful. These can be either long or short but both the teacher and the children are clear as to who their audience is. The children, where possible, have real reasons to write, whether to explain, persuade, inform or instruct.


Spoken Language

At Maryland, children develop competence in speaking and listening through a range of contexts and to a range of audiences. We use a strategy of ‘Point, Explanation, Explain’ (PEE) using the issues raised through, or within, a text. This is either linked with the text they are reading or is linked to a relevant curriculum area.

Children develop their spoken language skills through debate, drama, performances and  speeches in assemblies and discussion. Weekly Talk time sessions deepen children’s appreciation of film, drama, music, dance, artwork and, of course, discussion. Children have regular opportunities to work and discuss ideas in pairs, groups, as a whole class and even whole school. The school is also developing a media room with filming resources to support drama and storytelling. Each class holds a storytelling session each day for children to hear spoken language.


Maryland English KS1 progression map

Maryland English KS2 progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why Maths is important

At Maryland we believe that all pupils are mathematicians and that everyone can be good at Maths. We instil a love of Maths and curiosity for the subject so that children develop positive attitudes. 

We think it is vital that pupils are fluent with Maths facts such as times tables and number bonds so that they are ready for each stage in their education and to equip them with the necessary skills for everyday life. We have sets of non-negotiable Maths facts for each year group to learn so that they can become secure with these facts.

Maths is not just about memorisation but reasoning and problem solving. Problem solving in Maths helps pupils to develop critical thinking and articulation skills, teamwork and perseverance.


How our Maths curriculum is designed

We follow the National Curriculum and have built our school curriculum on the White Rose Maths scheme of work, which is based on Singapore’s Mastery approach to teaching. We teach topics for longer periods of 2-4 weeks to give pupils time to explore concepts in depth and gain a secure understanding. Our teaching and learning approach is step-by-step where the focus is on creating links between topics. 

Many people find that they understand Maths better if they use pictures or objects to help them understand concepts. At Maryland we begin to teach written methods using concrete objects such as cubes, counters, dienes, place value counters, bead strings and Numicon and link these to pictorial and written methods. Please see our calculation policy for more information. 

We prioritise the teaching of number facts and calculation methods at the beginning of each academic year and revisit a non-negotiable fact or method at the start of every lesson. Pupils also become fluent in their number facts through using Times Table Rockstars. Families are given a ‘5 A Day’ Maths book to practice key facts for 5 minutes daily as well.

We embed reasoning opportunities in all lessons to provide depth and challenge for pupils. Children are taught to use the Singapore bar model to help them understand worded problems. 

Maryland mathematicians will:

  • Have hands on experiences using concrete resources to develop an understanding of concepts before moving on to abstract methods
  • Be given lots of opportunities to articulate their mathematical thinking and reasoning
  • Take part in rich and creative problem solving tasks, such as in ‘Inspirational Maths Week’
  • Have access to online platforms such as MyMaths, Numbots and Times Table Rockstars in order to become fluent with number facts
  • Have opportunities to learn about Maths in our outdoor environment 

Curriculum maps


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6




Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors



Why is Science Important in Maryland?

Science allows children to explore and make sense of the world around them. It is a pivotal subject that develops a questioning mind and a sense of wonder. The subject instills logic is a subject that prepares children for their future. We want Maryland children to be excellent scientists who are excited to explore and question the ever-changing world around them.  With rapidly increasing numbers of STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) experts needed to improve our world and take it effectively and safely into the future, it is vital that we provide children with both the foundation of knowledge and the curiosity needed to succeed in future scientific education and careers. It is a core subject at Maryland, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires. Our pupils leave school with a strong foundation of knowledge and an enthusiasm that will help them further their education and instill a lifelong passion for science.

How is the Maryland science curriculum developed?
Our curriculum is informed by the National Curriculum and enhanced by subject expertise held within Maryland, as well as local opportunities and current events. Science is taught in longer topics spanning several weeks, several times a year. This approach has been designed to give children the opportunity to become immersed in a unit, deepen their knowledge and understanding, and identify their own lines of enquiry and investigation. Children have a whole afternoon on the subject so that they have the opportunity to immerse themselves into each concept, not only through fun experiences but developing a detailed understanding of the concepts behind it. When they plan experiments, they are encouraged to identify their own lines of enquiry. This not only develops their critical minds but also deepens their scientific knowledge and understanding.

Maryland pupils are excellent scientists because:

  • Every science lesson includes something practical, e.g. testing sound vibrations in different musical instruments, or designing and testing rockets using alka-seltzer tablets, with a description of the science and scientist behind it. 
  • The scientific principles of predicting, testing and making conclusions are embedded into the Maryland philosophy of critical thinking. This might be debating a dilemma in assembly, or predicting and drawing conclusions in an English lesson.
  • There are good connections between science and other subjects at Maryland. For example in Year 5, they learn about Earth and Space in science. In English, they read Hidden Figures and Mars Rover, so that children have the opportunity to develop a wider knowledge in English.
  • Maryland children have unique scientific experiences e.g. meeting Tim Peake at a space conference, inviting the Royal Institution to show us about energy, presenting science awards to students.
  • We always celebrate British Science Week with a bang. Everyone carries out exciting experiments and there is a science fair for our parents and wider community to explore different ways science can be made practical at home. This year the whole school took part in Mars Hour, and helped design rockets to transport robots to Mars.
  • Scientists work with our teachers and pupils to support expert knowledge. Engineering students from University College London work as tutors at Maryland and support science teaching. Some of our parents who are scientists come in to do assemblies on the work that they do.

Our award winning Nature’s Garden and Cluckingham Palace are used as outdoor classrooms, allowing children the opportunity to observe first hand.



How children learn in Science

  • Develop a love of Science through an exciting, interactive curriculum.
  • Explore their local environment to learn more about the world around us.
  • Participate in many practical investigations and workshops, such as exploring the human digestive system, testing gravity and other forces, growing plants and cultivating mould!
  • Ask questions, identifying lines of enquiry to be researched and investigated. 
  • Visit The Science Museum and local science fairs.
  • Showcase their learning through presentations, webpages and science fairs.
  • Find out about careers within science, listening to speakers from the STEM industries and seeing real scientists at work
  • Using scientific approach- prediction, fair test, taking results, making conclusions, testing our hypotheses
  • Every lesson has a practical element
  • Children have the opportunity to wear lab coats so they know that they are scientists 
  • Link scientists to what they are learning, so they understand the significance of what they are learning
  • Science and engineering are interlinked
  • Bring science to life- link to universities, University College London and University of East London
  • Use our prize winning garden to observe first hand e.g. watching toad spawn hatch into tadpoles, spotting dragonflies and damselflies near the pond, growing exotic vegetables in the garden
  • Have scientists who come and tutor the children in class.
  • Unique experiences- meeting Tim Peake




Maryland Science progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors




Why History is important 

At Maryland, we believe that History provides children with a range of experiences and learning opportunities. Our children gain extensive knowledge and understanding of people, events and contexts from a range of historical periods. Children are taught to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and the relationships between different groups. At Maryland, we aim to develop children into historians that understand how evidence is used to build pictures of the past, and why different people may have different versions of the past. We teach that asking questions is just as important as answering them. We teach History in a vibrant, enthusiastic way which brings different periods in history to life for the children. We believe History should be interactive, stimulating and inspiring. At Maryland, our children are taught to make logical connections and analyse patterns in History. 


How is our curriculum designed?

We follow the National Curriculum for History. At Maryland, History is taught chronologically across year groups and lessons are sequenced towards a big finish. This allows children to showcase their learning and boosts confidence. We ensure topics  build upon prior skills and learning starts with critical thinking style questions. Historical topics are taught across a whole term to ensure pupils develop an in-depth knowledge of each time period or theme. Cross curricular links are made in subjects such as Art and Design, Geography and Design Technology.  


How children learn in History

Maryland historians will:

  • Have opportunities to handle artefacts and analyse sources, making meaningful evaluations
  • Visit museums and historical sites in the local area, such as The Tower of London, Queen Elizabeth Hunting Lodge, The Museum of London, Monument and the Maritime Museum
  • Take part in in school workshops, delivered by experts
  • Share their learning through a wide variety of ‘outcomes’ such as presentations, booklets and webpages, effectively using spoken and written communication to share their learning with an audience.
  • Ask questions to develop lines of enquiry
  • Learn through drama and role play
  • Gain an understanding of timelines and chronology



Maryland History and Geography progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why Geography is important

At Maryland we provide children with a range of opportunities to gain local, national and global geographical knowledge. We also encourage children to explore how local and national places are linked and affect them as individuals and to become curious about the wider world. We want our children to become global citizens and to make informed and responsible decisions about issues such as sustainability. 


How our Geography curriculum is designed

We follow the National Curriculum for Geography. At Maryland, Geography is taught through discrete units about a particular place or a physical or human feature of Geography. Sessions are sequenced towards a big finish. This allows children to showcase their learning and boosts confidence. We ensure topics build upon prior skills and learning starts with critical thinking style questions.


How children learn Geography at Maryland

Maryland Geographers will:

  • Explore their local area, including local parks, neighbourhoods and business districts.
  • Develop their fieldwork skills through visits to coasts, rivers and parks
  • Develop their knowledge of where places are locally, nationally and globally by using maps and atlases to find locations
  • Gain an understanding of how people live around the world, considering similarities and celebrating differences
  • Become global citizens and consider their impact on issues such as sustainability and trade
  • Gain an understanding of current events, including natural disasters and global trends 
  • Develop subject specific vocabulary


Maryland Geography and History progression map

Impact report- Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why Art is important

Maryland is committed to inspiring future artists and designers, as we believe that creating Art expands a child’s ability to interact with the world around them, giving them a form of expression and a way of expanding their horizons in other areas of their lives.                        

We nurture children through Art and Design by engaging, inspiring and challenging our pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more thorough understanding of the subject.

Pupils also benefit from Art and Design as it has been linked positively to impact mental health by offering freedom of self-expression through developing identity, stress relief and the opportunity to practise mindfulness. 

We follow schemes of work but also use current events and local and global points of interest to broaden our children’s understanding of the world through Art, for example by creating whole school exhibitions on the themes of black history and anti racism.

The subject encourages appreciation of different styles, celebrating many diverse artists, time periods and the many cultures represented outside and within our school community.  

How our Art curriculum is designed

We follow the National Curriculum for Art. 

Cross-curricular learning is at the centre of our approach, allowing children the chance to explore history, different cultures and ways of life in order to provide deeper learning opportunities. Within lessons, children also develop an understanding of materials, mediums and art styles, but also acquire skills such as research, production, development, innovation and evaluation of their own and others’ work.

We follow schemes of work but also use current events and local and global points of interest to broaden our children’s understanding of the world through art, for example by creating a whole school exhibition of art for Black History Month. 


How children learn in Art

  • Explore different artistic styles (current and past)
  • Use a wide range of materials and medium
  • Learn how to refine their ideas and skills to create a final piece
  • Explore the vast array of artistic opportunities in both work and leisure
  • Receive and provide a critique of the artwork created
  • Display artistic achievements across the school
  • Share their work through exhibitions
  • Through the provision of art clubs led by our Art and Design subject leader, Miss Charlery
  • Develop an appreciation of art through visits to national and local galleries
  • School wide art days to develop creative skills with a view to producing a range of topic based work spanning from nursery to Year 6
  • Participate in workshops led by specialists

Artwork linked to C.P.S.H.E

Art and Design – Skills and Knowledge Progression map

Impact report- Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why Computing is important 

At Maryland Primary School, we recognise that technology is forever changing the world we live in, and we need our children to keep up. By the time children leave us, in year 6, we want them to be confident digital citizens ready to participate in the rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology.

Technology plays a major part in our life and it is vital that children understand how to keep themselves safe online regardless of how they are using technology. Children also need to be aware of how they can use technology for different purposes. Computing within schools can therefore provide a wealth of learning opportunities and transferable skills.


How our Computing curriculum is designed

We follow the National Curriculum for Computing. We have created a bespoke curriculum map, drawing on resources from Rising Stars Switched On Computing, Kapow Computing and Teach Computing.  Computing lessons are taught discretely. Pupils also have opportunities to use and apply their skills across the curriculum for example through research. All Computing units have a particular focus on IT, Computer Science or Digital Literacy.

How our children learn Computing

Pupils at Maryland will…

  • Learn how to keep themselves safe online by discussing this in lessons, assemblies and workshops
  • Master basic skills such as typing and navigating the internet
  • Leave school with the confidence to use G Suite to present and organise their learning
  • Learn to code for a purpose, including using Makey Makeys Micro:bits and robots
  • Showcase their learning in whole school events such as Technology Fairs
  • Work with experts in STEM such as UCL Engineers and Academy Achievers
  • Become confident in using different devices for different purposes, including iPads and Chromebooks.                       


Maryland Computing progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why C.P.S.H.E. is important 

Maryland Primary School acknowledges the changing and increasingly complex society that we now live in. With the changing outlook of society, comes opportunities, challenges, responsibilities and risks that can impact our children. It is our duty to ensure that our children are well equipped to take care of themselves in society. We aim to teach them to be able to identify danger and know how to keep safe at all times. We also nurture children to grow up to be happy and confident adults.  Our ultimate aim is for our children to have developed a solid foundation that enables them to strike the right balance between their personal, health, academic and social lives, before moving to their next phase in life. 


How our C.P.S.H.E. curriculum is designed

Our C.P.S.H.E.  curriculum incorporates the Relationships and Health Education (RHE) statutory guidance 2020. The guidance requires schools to teach relationships and health education, alongside national curriculum Science and within the context of safeguarding. 

In order to meet government statutory requirements, we have drawn the content of our curriculum from Jigsaw and consulted different stakeholders before implementing it.  Jigsaw is a scheme of work that encapsulates the statutory guidance. Jigsaw adopts a mindful approach to C.P.S.H.E.  It brings together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills  and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. 

The curriculum is organised into three themes that run across all year groups including Nursery and Reception. The topics are organised in a progressive manner that ensures that children build on their initial knowledge under each theme.

These themes are: 

    • Healthy me
    • Relationships
    • Changing me

Our pupils will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with family members, other children and adults
  • Make good decisions about their physical and mental health and wellbeing. They will recognise what is normal and what is an issue in themselves and others, and how to seek support at the earliest stage from appropriate sources
  • Know how to keep themselves safe on and offline 
  • Develop skills that will enable them to grow into productive members of society in the future.

Maryland C.P.S.H.E. progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why Design and Technology is important

At Maryland, we are devoted to motivating our pupils to become future designers, creators and innovators. Design and Technology is an inspirational and practical subject using creativity and imagination. Pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, which enable them to consider their own and others’ needs, wants and values. In doing so, we are purposeful in nurturing our children to acquire a broad range of skills and subject knowledge and to draw on learning and understanding gained in Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art. With this capability, we want to be able to endow our children with skills to solve problems, innovate and positively change the wider world.


How our Design and Technology curriculum is designed

Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is enhanced by subject expertise held within Maryland Primary School. We are always looking to further enrich our Design and Technology curriculum and welcome workshops, consultants and expert specialists (including architects, designers and artists) to come and work with us to educate and inspire our pupils.

At Maryland, Design and Technology is linked directly to topics being taught, allowing the children to have a proper sense of purpose.  Learning always becomes more meaningful when set in a real context.  We encourage our children to be collaborative workers and critical thinkers, whilst exploring different techniques and developing essential skills. 

The curriculum has also placed an emphasis on food and nutrition.  Learning to cook is an essential life skill which we have incorporated into our Design and Technology schemes of work.  It is our hope that our children will become confident in preparing and designing a range of meals and snacks and encouraged to think about healthy lifestyles and balanced diets, which we trust will positively impact their lives in the long-term. 


How children learn in Design and Technology

  • Design and create a wide variety of projects informed by our cross-curricular themes
  • Visit London monuments of great design and architectural styles showcased throughout the city
  • Explore concepts of engineering
  • Study famous designers, architects, inventors and engineers
  • Learn to cook a wide range of meals and snacks (savoury and sweet) which promote a healthy balanced diet
  • Design and Technology home projects which provide children an opportunity to develop and showcase their product
  • Exhibitions to showcase children’s talents and accomplishments 

Design and Technology – Cross curricular links History – The Great Fire of London – Making 17th Century Bread


Winners and Runner up winners of the Stratford Waterfront School Design Challenge


Mrs Jackson’s – Cooking Club


Design and Technology Projects

Maryland Design and Technology progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why learning a language is important

Learning another language enables children to be more culturally aware. It  develops positive attitudes to the cultures associated with that language and others. The experience of learning a language introduces pupils to the world in ways they might not have otherwise experienced. It enhances children’s listening and memory skills and also improves the knowledge of their own language.


How our French curriculum is designed.

We use a scheme of work to ensure that the National Curriculum guidelines are met.

Key Stage 2 pupils develop their oral and written language skills in French. In addition, French vocabulary is seen around the school allowing children to improve their vocabulary throughout each day.


How children learn. 

At Maryland, our main aim is that our children develop a love of French, which they will carry forward into secondary school. Conversational French is key for future progression and so a lot of emphasis is put on this, as well as fun and excitement in each of our lessons.


Maryland pupils will:

  • Have the opportunity to listen to native speakers.
  • Engage in conversations with peers and native speakers, through role plays in different scenarios.
  • Learn about the French language and culture through stories, songs and rhymes.
  • Play a range of games to improve vocabulary
  • Participate in French days, assemblies and trips to places of interest.
  • Use IT and other means to present and celebrate their learning.

Maryland French progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why PE is important

PE at Maryland aims to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary for mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing in our children now and for their future. Physical fitness and participation in sport is an important part of leading a healthier lifestyle. It teaches self-discipline and that to be successful you must work hard, show resilience and have the determination and self belief to succeed. PE embodies the Maryland school values (Teamwork, Respect, Resilience, Ambition, Courage and Kindness)


How our PE curriculum is designed

Pupils at Maryland participate in 2 hours of high quality PE every week plus other sporting activities delivered by PE specialists, sports leaders and class teachers. We follow the National Curriculum, which is enhanced through the use of the Complete PE scheme of work. Topics and Sports are revisited each year to ensure that previous skills are built upon to ensure progress of each element of our chosen sports. Our scheme of work incorporates broader skills such as tactics, communication, problem solving and collaboration in lesson plans. 


How children learn in PE

Children at Maryland will: 

  • Have the opportunity to experience adventurous activities such as caving, canoeing and abseiling at Fairplay House
  • Take part in swimming lessons at Atherton Leisure Centre
  • Take part in sports competitions in school and in the local community such as Quad Kids, orienteering at the Olympic park and the Panathlon Challenge for pupils with disabilities and special needs
  • Have opportunities to perform in Dance and Gymnastics
  • Have access to high quality sports opportunities during play times
  • Have the opportunity to develop their cycling proficiency by taking part in Newham’s Bikeability scheme




Maryland PE progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why RE is important

Religious Education (RE) makes a significant contribution to pupils’ academic and personal development. It also plays a key role in promoting social cohesion and the virtues of respect and empathy, which are important in our diverse society.

Here at Maryland Primary School, the aim of Religious Education is to help children to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shape life and our behaviour. We hope that children will develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues, therefore, enhancing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 


How our RE curriculum is designed

Religious Education is taught throughout the school in such a way as to reflect the overall aims, values, and philosophy of the school. 

At Maryland, it has been agreed that having taken into account the requirements and guidelines presented in the agreed syllabus for Newham, the following religions have been selected for study: 

  • Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism  
  • Sikhism

Lessons will be delivered using the agreed syllabus and will be taught so that children are able to fully understand the ideas and beliefs they are studying.  The enquiry approach is used – for example:

  • Asking questions
  • Investigation
  • Drawing conclusions
  • Evaluation
  • Reflection and expression
  • Using ‘big questions’ to give a context for enquiry.


All religions and their communities are treated with respect and sensitivity and we value the links which are made between home, school, and the faith community.  We acknowledge that each religion studied can contribute to the education of all our pupils. We promote teaching in Religious Education that stresses open enquiry and first-hand experiences wherever possible for both staff and children. 

The children at Maryland enjoy learning about other religions and Religious Education offers our children an opportunity to understand how other people choose to live their lives and to understand why they choose to live that way.


How children learn in RE

Maryland children will have opportunities to:

  • Share their learning beyond their class, contributing to Harvest, Easter and Christmas assemblies and presentations.
  • Listen to speakers from different communities and belief systems, including religious leaders, Faith in Schools, family members and staff.
  • Visit local places of worship including mosques, synagogues, churches and temples.
  • Visit libraries and museums such as The British Library and The Museum of London.
  • Respectfully listen to other people’s world views, understanding and appreciating the variety of faiths and opinions held.
  • Share their own experiences and knowledge and reflect on the values they hold.


Maryland RE progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors


Why Music is important

At Maryland we believe in the magical impact of music. This is evident in the enjoyment and creativity that can be seen when children engage in any musical activity. We believe that music is central to each child’s academic, social and emotional development.

Music helps children across different subjects and can help to build key skills. These skills include creativity, perseverance, listening skills, team working skills, self confidence and independence.


How our music curriculum is designed

Music at Maryland is taught in line with the National Curriculum. We follow the Charanga scheme of work, which offers a unique and extensive range of lessons covering a range of genres. Music is taught in an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to learning.


How children learn music

Children at Maryland will:

  • Listen and appraise a wide range of music. Develop an appreciation for music from a range of cultures and historical periods, including bhangra, reggae, hip hop, pop, classical and contemporary.
  • Take part in a range of musical activities such as games, singing, playing instruments, improvising and composing. 
  • Perform what they have learned and contribute to school performances and special assemblies.
  • Take part in a music ensembles of singers and perform as a choir to a range of audiences.




Maryland Music progression map

Impact report – Summer 2023 Impact Report to Governors