Online Safety Guidance

For Parents & CarersFor PupilsFurther guidance about online safetyDownloadable resources
  • Make sure your child understands and is aware of the pupil guidelines and ICT user agreements 
  • Answer the phone to school staff or return calls, messages or emails – a member of staff may be trying to help get you connected
  • Supervise your child’s internet use and online learning – make sure you are aware of what they have been asked to do and the websites they need to access
  • You must ensure that your child only uses the the Google Meet link during the allocated time which will be sent to parents via email
  • Make sure you know who your child is talking to or messaging.
  • If a member of staff calls to speak to your children – check that you know who they are, speak to the member of staff yourself before your child talks to them, stay in the room while your child is on the phone.
  • The link for the meeting will be sent to you via Google Classroom, Parentmail or text.


Watch this video if you are unsure on how to login to Google Classroom

Guidelines for Video lessons

  • The parent or carer must make sure their child and other members of the household are aware the video call is happening.
  • Staff, children and other members of the household must wear suitable clothing
  • Devices used should be in appropriate areas, for example, not in bedrooms; and where possible be against a neutral background
  • The same expectations apply for remote teaching and conversations as normal school conduct
  • Parents will need to appear on screen at the start of the lesson to confirm they give consent for their child to be part of the group conversation.
  • When joining a Google Meet session the child’s account/name should be used ie. do not join using the parent’s account/name as this makes it difficult for the teacher to identify who from the class has joined. Children should be logged into their G.account ending in 
  • The class teachers in your child’s year group will be the only members of staff leading the session, unless they are unavailable and another teacher takes their place. If this happens you will be notified before the session takes place.
  • Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background.
  • Parents/carers must ensure that the child’s microphone is on mute. Pupils are only to unmute if a teacher asks them to do so.
  •  Ensure that your child is not using any software or devices to record the online sessions, this is a breach of GDPR and will be reported to the appropriate authorities
  • If the teacher has any concerns about children (or other members of the household) using unsuitable language, dress, location, the conversation will be ended and concerns will be recorded and passed to a Senior member of staff – and your child may be asked to leave of the session by the host
  • Google Meet and Google classroom are the main platforms that will be used by the school, other websites may be signposted via Google Classroom by the teacher

If the parent has any questions or concerns about online behaviour they should contact the school immediately by calling 020 8534 8135. Parents can leave a message on the school phone if need be, a member of the senior leadership team will return the call. You can also email 

Observed harmful or upsetting content?

Get further support by:

Bullying or abuse online?

You can:

  • I want to stay safe online and I know that anything I do on the computer, phone, tablet or internet may be seen by someone else. I will also refer back to the ICT agreement that I agreed to to help me be safe.

    I will:

    • only open pages which my parent, carer or teacher has said are okay
    • talk to my parent, carer or teacher before using anything on the internet that I’m unsure about
    • tell my parent, carer or teacher if anything makes me feel scared or uncomfortable
    • make sure all the messages I send and comments I leave are polite and positive
    • tell my parent, carer or teacher if I get a nasty message or something makes me feel uncomfortable, and do not reply
    • not give my phone number or address to anyone online. 
    • not to give out personal information whilst on Google meet with my teachers and peers
    • not tell people about myself online (I will not tell them my name, anything about where I live or where I go to school, names of clubs I attend)
    • not upload photographs of myself onto the computer or internet without my parent or carer’s permission
    • keep any passwords I have private
    • Only speak to people I know online and on the phone.
    • never agree to share photos, phone, video call or meet a stranger.
    • Always make sure my parent/carer knows who I am talking to or messaging.

    Google Classroom

    • When using Google Classroom, the teacher may let pupils comment, or they may have turned comments off.
    • If you are allowed to comment you must remember our learning on online behaviour – you are polite and positive and comments should be related to your learning.
    • Remember – teachers can see exactly who posts what on Google Classroom.
    • If your teacher wants you to create a post, for example taking a picture of your Home Learning Project, they will enable you to create posts for that time.
    • If you are posting photos of your learning, please remember to do so safely – remember to always check with your parent/carer before uploading a photo, and try to make sure your photo is of the learning, not the pupil. All pupils must be suitably dressed and in a suitable location

    Google Meet

    • All microphones should be muted at the start of the meeting until instructed otherwise
    • You should not present your screen or record the session
    • You should only join the Google Meet session under the supervision of your parent at the time stated in the email your parent was sent by the school. You should aim to arrive at the starting time and no earlier or later. This also means that you should exit the session at the end of the lesson when instructed to do so by the class teacher 
    • You will not take a picture or screen record whilst the Google meet is taking place, if you do your actions will be reported to the Headteacher and a meeting will be held with you and your  parents to discuss the consequences


    Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to:

    • Creating or sending any messages or comments that might upset other people.
    • Using another person’s username and password e.g. to access a device or website.
    • Looking at, or changing work that belongs to other people without their permission.
    • Sharing pictures or making video calls to peers on your school account without checking with your parent/carer

    If a child has any concerns about online behaviour they should step away from their computer/device and inform their parent/carer immediately who should then contact the school on 020 8534 8135 or

    You can also click the CEOP button on the homepage of the school website and visit Anti-Bullying Alliance.

Parents and carers please ensure you have parental controls in place to help you monitor your child’s activity online.

You can obtain further advice by visiting , your child can also use child-safe search engines e.g. and YouTube Kids instead of YouTube.

You can also contact your internet provider who will give you advice.Parents can also reinforce online safety at home by supporting their child with home learning in this subject, try downloading and completing the Digi Safe activities provided by LGFL here

  • support for parents and carers to keep children safe online, resources to help keep children safe from different risks online and where to go to find support and advice
  • guidance on staying safe online which includes information on security and privacy settings
  • Thinkuknow provides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online
  • Parent info is a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations
  • Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support
  • Internet matters provides age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world
  • London Grid for Learning has support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online
  • Net-aware has support for parents and carers from the NSPCC, including a guide to social networks, apps and games
  • Let’s Talk About It has advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation
  • UK Safer Internet Centre has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services