School Uniform and Pupil Dress Code

School Uniform and Pupil Dress Code

Maryland  Primary School requires all pupils to wear our school uniform.

We believe that wearing school uniform has a positive impact:

  • It promotes a sense of pride
  • It fosters a sense of community and belonging
  • It prevents the wearing of anything that might cause a distraction to learning or affiliation or promotion to ensure that we remain impartial.  Football kits are permitted unless otherwise stated.
  • It promotes equality between pupils
  • It supports health and safety of the children

Our school’s legal duties under the Equality Act 2010 

The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination against an individual based on the protected characteristics. To avoid discrimination, our school will:

  • Ensure uniform is affordable following statutory guidance from the Department for Education on the cost of school uniform.  
  • Allow all pupils to have long hair (though we reserve the right to ask for this to be tied back for safety reasons)
  • Allow all pupils to style their hair in a way that is appropriate for school and makes them feel most comfortable
  • Allow pupils to request changes to swimwear for religious reasons or if they are experiencing discomfort (in collaboration with the swimming venue providers).
  • Allow pupils to wear headscarves which must be worn safely and allow the school badge to be seen. Removal of scarves during PE lessons is advisable due to health and safety issues (guidance from RE Matters 2023 advises against this due to tragic cases caused by scarves during physical education lessons).
  • Allow pupils with sensory or physical needs to make reasonable adaptations to their uniform depending on their specific needs

School Logo
We offer a range of Maryland branded items which can be purchased from the school’s uniform shop. Parents also have the option of purchasing alternative items from other shops, without the logo, as long as these match the school’s colours of blue and grey.

School Uniform/used uniform shop
Tuesday 8.45-9.00am and Wednesday 2.45- 3.00pm




Winter dress code
Grey pinafore, skirt or trousers.
Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan, pullover or fleece jacket.
White blouse/shirt or a white or blue polo T-shirt (a T-shirt with a collar). Polo shirts are encouraged as they are cooler under jumpers and without cuffs. 
White or grey socks or tights
Black footwear,  (shoes or trainers – see below)
A warm coat, preferably with a hood, and gloves, scarf, hat.
The school colours are royal blue , white and grey. This also applies to socks, tights and hair accessories.Religious head coverings must also be in school colours (royal blue, grey or white) without patterns or tassels hanging down. They should rest on the shoulders and not cover the school badge.

Summer dress code
Blue/white checked summer dress.
White or light blue polo T-shirt (a T-shirt with a collar).
Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore.
White or grey socks. Black sandals or shoes. Sandals must be enclosed or have a strong strap and must be worn with socks.
Fabric sun hat for hot weather.

Nursery children
Royal blue or Maryland sweatshirt or cardigan, white or light blue polo shirt,  grey jogging bottoms or trousers, black shoes* or trainers.  Girls may also wear blue checked summer dresses and hats. Jogging bottoms are recommended for children to use the toilet easily.

Plain black shoes or trainers, ideally with rubber soles. Broad, low heels, velcro, laces or buckle fasteners that come high up on the foot, so that feet are secure in the shoes (not slip-ons or with pointed toes). Velcro is recommended for this age.
Shoes must have grips so that they are suitable for active play including running, skipping, jumping, balancing, climbing.

Hair bands, clips and other hair adornments must be safe and non – distracting, in keeping with the school uniform colours of royal blue or white. Badges or other accessories are not permitted, with the exception of birthday badges and school badges.

Non-Uniform Days
In the event of any non-uniform day, or other event such as parties, items of clothing, badges or accessories with political, contentious or conflict related slogans, are not allowed in school. At Maryland we have an ethos of harmony and social cohesion, this is due to our diverse community. To maintain this ethos, staff and pupils do not demonstrate allegiance politically, or otherwise. This is to ensure that we remain impartial as a school and maintain the safety of all of our children. Football kits are permitted unless otherwise stated.
In the event that a child is not following school policy in relation to uniform expectations, parents will be notified.

Physical Education dress code
P.E. kit should be brought to school each Monday so it is available throughout the week.  It should be taken home for washing on Fridays and must be returned clean on the following Monday.
P.E. kit should be stored in a PE bag/kit bag (the school uniform stockists and local shops sell suitable P.E. kit bags, or similar).

INDOOR – Infants (YR, Y1and Y2)
A house coloured T shirt (red, blue, green, orange or yellow) and black shorts and bare feet or velcro plimsolls for indoor P.E

OUTDOOR – Infants
Black shorts, house coloured T shirt, socks and plimsolls.  Pupils may wear black or blue unbranded tracksuits or jogging bottoms and jumpers in very cold weather.


 INDOOR – JuniorsY3,Y4,Y5 and Y6
 A house coloured T shirt (red, blue, green, orange or yellow) and black shorts.  The children will do indoor P.E. in bare feet for dance and gym.

 OUTDOOR – Juniors
 Black shorts, house coloured T shirts, socks, plimsolls or light-weight training shoes.  Pupils may wear black or blue unbranded tracksuits or jogging bottoms and jumpers in very cold weather.

Health and hygiene
Children must change out of their school uniform for P.E. This includes footwear.
On health and safety grounds we do not allow children to wear jewellery except medical alert items, earring studs in pierced ears, and small objects of religious significance.Children should not wear jewellery during P.E. for safety reasons.  Religious symbols may need to be removed or secured in some way during P.E. However, parents must realise that wearing such jewellery may cause injury during active times, such as P.E. and playtimes. The school will not be held responsible for loss or damage of jewellery belonging to children.

School House colours
You will be informed of your child’s house colour when they join the school. House colour T shirts should be ordered and bought through the school for consistency in P.E. kit.

Swimming Kit  Y6 children who are taken swimming by the school will need the following kit:
Girls – A one piece swimsuit, swimming cap and towel.  Goggles are optional.
Boys – A pair of regular swimming trunks and towel. Goggles are optional.

The swimming pool staff will not allow children to wear earplugs, nose-clips or jewellery. Earrings must be removed.

School uniform
Prices 2023-24 










Book bags






White polo t-shirts


Lost Property
Please ensure that your child’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name.  If your child loses an item of clothing at school, please check the lost property box in the Welfare Room area. Lost property is also laid out for parents to see at every Parents’ Evening.

The school uniform can be bought online from our supplier, Brigade Clothing Ltd. at www. or ordered from the school office.
The school accepts no responsibility for items of clothing lost or damaged.

School uniform policy 

Parents and carers
Parents and carers are expected to make sure their child has the correct uniform and PE kit, and that every item is:

  • Clearly labelled with the child’s name 
  • In a safe condition

Staff will closely monitor pupils to make sure they are in the correct uniform (this includes hair and clothes accessories to ensure the pupils are kept safe:.

  •  They will give any pupils and families breaching the uniform policy the opportunity to comply, but will follow up if the situation doesn’t improve.
  •  Where it is suspected that financial hardship has resulted in a pupil not complying with this uniform policy, staff will take a mindful and considerate approach to resolving the situation. 

Governors The governing board will review this policy and make sure that it: 

  • Is appropriate for our school’s context 
  • Is implemented fairly across the school  
  • Offers a uniform that is appropriate, practical and safe for all pupils 

 Monitoring arrangements
This policy is reviewed on a two yearly cycle to ensure it remains in line with the school’s vision and ethos. At every review, it will be approved by the full governing board 

Linked Policies 
This policy is linked to our:

  • Behaviour policy 
  • Equality information and objectives statement
  • Complaints policy 
  • PE policy