Complaints Procedure

The school operates a complaints policy based on the DfE best practice guidance, which advises parents on the procedure for sorting out
problems at school, curricular and otherwise. A fuller version of this policy and the complaints form are available from the school office.


First of all, talk to the teacher concerned. Difficulties can often be sorted out very quickly in this way. You may need an appointment. You may also need an appointment if your complaint is complicated, or there are strong feelings on either side. In any case, please do not try to see the teacher during the school’s teaching day when they are taking a lesson. You may bring a friend to support you, for example to help you to put your case. The complainant must allow 5 days for the member of staff to respond. We hope that you can reach an agreement that satisfies you and the school. If you cannot, then you can go to Step 2.


The complainant goes to the Headteacher. This can only happen if you have been through Step 1. We do recognise however that some complaints may go straight through to the Headteacher because of the seriousness of your concerns. The school office will arrange for you to meet with the Headteacher or another senior member of staff, for example the Deputy Headteacher. Afterwards, the school will write to you within 5 days to acknowledge your complaint and no longer than 20 school days saying what it has decided. We hope the decision will satisfy you. However, if you cannot accept what the school says, then you can go to Step 3.

STEP 3 –

The complaint goes, in writing, to the Chair of Governors. This can only happen if you have been through both Steps 1 and 2. The school office can send the letter for you. The Chair of Governors will write to you within 5 days to acknowledge your complaint and no longer than 20 school days saying what has been decided. (No complaints should be made through parent governors, as they have no role as communicators between parents and the school.) If still dissatisfied, the complainant may proceed to Step 4.

STEP 4 –
The complaint goes, in writing, to the School’s Governing Body. This can only happen if you have been through both Steps 1, 2 and 3. The letter must explain why the complainant is still dissatisfied. The school office can send the letter for you. A meeting with at least two Governors will follow. Afterwards, they will write back telling you their conclusions within 20 school days of the hearing. (No complaints should be made through parent governors, as they have no role as communicators between parents and the school). 

Complaints against the Headteacher are usually first dealt with by the Chair of Governors, or any individual governor should be made in writing to the Clerk of the Governing body. Contact the school for further information.


Please find enclosed a copy of the complaint form to be completed and sent in to the school office on

Please find enclosed the Complaints Policy and Procedures