Inclusion Offer

At Maryland, we are committed to providing enjoyable, engaging and stimulating learning experiences, which will enable all pupils to thrive and be successful.

At Maryland Primary School we follow the London Borough of Newham Guidelines for inclusive Support in line with the National Code of Practice for the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs.

The teaching style of the school is one of striving to ensure that individual children have their educational needs met. Pupils who are identified as having Special Educational Needs may be supported on an individual basis, in small groups or within the class through the differentiation of the curriculum.

Our Inclusion lead/ SENDCo is Mr Hoque. If you need to contact him please call the school office number or email with FAO Mr Hoque in the subject line.


Maryland is a fully inclusive school in the London Borough of Newham and follows the inclusive policy of all Newham schools and we recognise that every child is unique and has their own needs and abilities. 

We ensure that children and young people with SEND receive an education that enables them to make progress so that they: 

  • can fulfil their full potential
  • achieve their best; become confident individuals living fulfilling lives; 
  • make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education, or training.
  • get specialist expertise to meet their needs and tailor support to individual needs as much as feasible, via assessment by internal or external agencies. 

Working in partnership with the local Borough to provide a Local Offer for children in need of such support. This is a guide to the services in Newham that are available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities aged from birth to 25. Further information is available here.

School policies and statutory guidance  

In line with national guidelines, we publish:

  • SEND policy
  • SEND Information Report
  • Local Offer

for families within and outside of our local catchment area who wish to join our school. 

This SEND Offer should be read in conjunction with other key school policies that are accessible on the school’s website, including:

  • attendance and punctuality
  • behaviour and anti-bullying
  • safeguarding
  • SEND policy
  • intimate care protocol (available upon request)  

The Governing Body will ensure that it makes reasonable special educational provision for all pupils identified as in need of it. The School’s Offer will be reviewed annually in response to adjustments made to the Local Authority’s Local Offer and following analysis and assessment of the needs of pupils attending the school. 

Types of SEN, disability and medical needs

    ‘A pupil has SEN where their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age…’  (DfE, Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years, page 94).  The Four broad areas of need identified within the SEN Code of Practice 2015 are: (1) communication and interaction, (2) cognition and learning, (3) social, emotional and mental health, and (4) sensory and/or physical needs. 

What additional support do we provide to children with specific educational needs?

  • Whole School Provision Map provides an overview of the various additional interventions we offer to support all learners, as and where appropriate. 
  • Additional needs are identified before, on entry or at any point during your child’s time at Maryland. The appropriate intervention, referral or support is then put in place – as per our Whole School Provision Map.
  • Our Accessibility Plan (also available as a document to download) outlines how we work to ensure that our school is accessible to all learners.
  • Our School SEN Information Report (updated annually) provides detailed information about our school and our provision, and is available as a document to download on this page.

Our outdoor provision provides stimulation and a therapeutic experience for all our children. For example the School’s award winning garden, the Calm zone and Cluckingham Palace (Hen house). 

We have a sensory room and nurture room that supports children’s self-regulation. It provides opportunities for children with SEND to begin to learn to manage emotions and ensures engagement in learning for longer periods at a time.    

Family Support worker and Learning Mentor

We have a Family support worker and Learning mentor who work closely with parents and children on socio-economic, attendance and behaviour issues that can create barriers to learning. They also provide pupil counselling. They work with pupils as identified by the Leadership Team. Please contact the school office for an appointment.


Individualised programmes are delivered by trained members of support staff or Peripatetic teachers e.g. delivering dyslexia, physical, mental health support programmes depending on the child’s needs.

School nurse   

The school nurse visits Maryland on a regular basis and is available to meet parents by appointment.  To arrange a visit, contact the Inclusion leader via the school office.  The school nurse is responsible for:

  • Liaising with the Inclusion lead and the pastoral team.  
  • Writing and reviewing Individual Healthcare Plans for pupils aged 5 years and over.  
  • Carrying out Health reviews for pupils on child protection Plans or pupils who are Looked After.  
  • Attending meetings for pupils where there are safeguarding concerns.  
  • Contributing to EHCP (education, health and care plans) where a child has a medical need.  
  • Liaising with parents regarding medical needs.

SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

Local offer

Accessibility Plan 

Whole School Provision Map

Newham Council website – SEN and the Local Offer