• At Maryland our children learn from a world class curriculum, because we are curriculum innovators. We regularly conduct independent research projects and develop initiatives to improve standards. Maryland was selected to feature in the national research paper; ‘The Parliamentary Review 2018’ showcasing Maryland’s best practice in leadership and innovation.
  • Our  School Values are: Teamwork, Resilience, Respect, Ambition, Courage and Kindness. Our pupils are confident to explain what they mean to their lives, and the wider world. They are embedded in shared behaviours, shared language and spiritual reflection across the school.
  • Maryland was a founding school for ‘EducationChange’, a programme that promotes antiracism through conversation and curriculum, this ethos permeates everything we do.
  • We have been a model school for Read Write Inc. since 2006 and regularly welcome visitors from around the world who want to learn from our success, as we consistently achieve 90%+ for phonics screening in Year 1.
  • We lead much of the innovation in Newham including being the first ‘Google’ school in the borough.
  • We have worked closely with UCL on raising the profile of Science and STEM. The school has published a critical thinking magazine, ‘Ready Steady Think’ based on research in Japan, which is used across the borough. The school has written and published a maths book, ‘Mental Maths 5 A Day’, based on our research from a visit to Finland to develop children’s mental arithmetic skills. This is used nationally to boost children’s arithmetic skills.
  • Maryland is now in the third year of developing maths mastery teaching with the maths hub, this is part of the sustaining mastery programme and also the mastering number programme.





  • In 2019, Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, invited Maryland to be part of the Schools for Success programme, to teach other schools how Maryland has helped low-achieving pupils make progress in the top 6% of London schools.
  • Our school has won many awards including choir, nature garden, dance troupe, Newham debating society champions 2016. Maryland has awards for School Games, Investors STARS gold accreditation and was presented with a design award for planning and preparing sustainable street furniture for the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Maryland students have been invited to enter the Schools Innovation Challenge Prize again, for 2019. In the past we have been a model school for high attendance, sharing strategies with others.