Maryland staff, our governing board and pupils would welcome you in applying for a place at our school. The law requires that all schools must have admission arrangements that clearly set out how children will be admitted, including the criteria that will be applied if there are more applications than places at the school. Admission arrangements are determined by local admission authorities. We therefore follow the London Borough of Newham’s admission arrangements and processes. All applications for this school must be made through London Borough of Newham’s Pupil Services, not this school.
Please note the Admissions Policy for Nursery can be found here.
If you would like to apply for a place on our waiting list please complete our ‘application for nursery form’ and take it to the school along with all original documents required.
We have limited 30 hour places for eligible families – if you are interested in applying for a place please complete the 30 hours interest form which is available from the school office.
For all children born from 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 inclusive, their parents/carers will need to apply for a reception class place in an infant or primary school for September 2024 entry.
The national closing date for on time reception applications is 15th January 2024.
The national offer date for on time reception applicants is 18th April 2024.
All reception 2022 applications must be made through the family’s home local authority.
For children living in Newham families must apply via London Borough of Newham.
For children living outside Newham, whose family wants them to attend this school their application must be made through their home borough naming this school as a preference on their application.
Remember, parents/carers must apply for a reception place in this school, even if the child has a brother or sister attending this school.
School Finder
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.
For further details about the London Borough of Newham’s admission processes please visit their School Admission Arrangements for September 2024 and information page.
If a family arrives in Newham during the school year and their child needs a school place they must complete an In Year form naming their preferred schools.
School places are usually offered within 10 days.
The place offered may not be at the school the family prefers as that school may not have a suitable place available.
School Finder
We recommend you use the Newham School Finder tool to determine the location of your preferred Newham schools and calculate home to school distances.
For all children born from 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 inclusive, their parents/carers will need to apply for year 7 secondary school place for September 2023, unless the child is on roll at an All Through school (Chobham Academy, Langdon Academy or School 21) as they will automatically move into year 7 unless they would prefer another school.
All year 7 applications for September 2023 must be made through the family’s home local authority.
For children living in Newham families must apply via London Borough of Newham.
For children who live outside Newham, whose family wants them to attend this school their application must be made through their home borough naming this school as a preference on their application.
Before submitting a year 7 application we strongly recommend all families read the autumn 2022 edition of the local authorities ‘Starting Secondary School Booklet guide and find out information about the school you are interested in. If possible look at their virtual tours.
Remember, families must apply for a place, even if their child:
- Has a brother or sister attending the school;
- Lives in the schools priority area (for Sarah Bonnell only)
- Attends a link school (for Stratford School Academy only)