Our Governors

Meet the GovernorsWhat do the Governors do?How to contact the Governors

Mrs L Jackson

Head Teacher


Parent Governors

Mr M Tudor

        Ms M Miller

Ms S Coleman

Authority Governor

Mr L Rice


Co-opted Governors




Mr G Plant   

Chair of Governors


   Mrs A Gordon    


Cllr W Vaughan


Ms B Visser 




Ms S Houghton

Vice Chair of Governors

   Mrs M Joseph

Ms N St. Rose


Staff Governor

Mr H Watson


Associate Governor 

        Forum Representative Governor

Ms A Boreham

Mrs F Chowdhury

Miss D Trew


A mixture of parents, staff members and local community members, The Governing Board is a group of people who volunteer their time and expertise to help manage the school. Together they provide strategic leadership and accountability, helping to ensure the school reaches it’s maximum potential.

At Maryland we are extremely lucky to have Governors with a huge range of knowledge, skills and experience across different areas. They meet throughout the year and apply their valuable know-how to:
      Oversee the financial performance of the school
      Scrutinise educational performance, holding the Strategic Leadership Team to account. 
      Ensure clarity of ethos, vision and strategic direction of the school. 

Governors are always pleased to receive feedback regarding the positive impact Maryland is having on pupils and the community, if you wish to share this then please email the school at info@maryland.newham.sch.uk who will then pass it onto the Governors.

Parents with a particular issue or complaint should follow the school complaints procedure which asks parents to first contact the class teacher.  If you are still not satisfied with the outcome you should make an appointment to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team or the Headteacher.  It is only if this does not result in a satisfactory conclusion that a complaint should be brought to the Chair of the governing body. Please put your query in writing (email/letter) and hand in to the office, addressing to the Chair of governors.